Conclusion to Galatians

Conclusion to Galatiansfeatured

This week, as a body, we concluded our series in Galatians: Set Free/Stand Firm.

Set Free: Justification

There is a theme of freedom that runs through Galatians. This was highlighted with messages titled Freedom by the Grace of God, Freedom From Another Gospel, Preserved Gospel: For Freedom and Unity, Freedom from False Christianity, Gospel Freedom: Waiting and Working, and Freedom From Deception. We learn from Galatians, when we look to anything other than Christ for freedom we are enslaved by our thinking, work, security, sin, comfort, idol, ritual, _______________ (fill in the blank).

At our Women’s Workshop on Galatians we looked closely at Galatians 3:23-4:7 which shows us, though we were once enslaved, in Christ we receive adoptions as sons. There is value in this for us as women, to be no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God. This passage acknowledges there is a distinction between the creation and purposes of male and female, but in Christ we are equal receivers of inheritance.

We see much in Galatians that leads us to clear understanding of our justification. Together as women we took time to define and have clarity over what justification is and is not. While women put their thoughts on paper I was able to see their understanding of how justification means we are right, clean, free, forgiven, qualified, acceptable, pardoned, and saved. We receive and experience God’s saving grace through faith in the work of Jesus. This work is complete.

Standing Firm: Sanctification

In this sermon series we began February 4th, it is not until April 15th when we arrive at Galatians 4:12 we see the first imperative (read: command) given in the book. Brothers, I entreat you, become as I am.. This is the first time we see a call to action. Prior the words in Galatians are revealing to us, if we are in Christ, we can know of our confirmed justification through him alone. With this freedom in place, our justification becomes the foundation for our sanctification. There are guidelines and instructions for this through the rest of the book. Women defined sanctification with words such as, ongoing, process, becoming, intentional, growth, transforming, active, lifelong, continual. This is the refinement that takes place throughout the duration of our life on earth, widening the differentiation of us and the world, and growing us in Christ-likeness. This work is intentional. It takes our effort, and also our deep dependence on the Spirit.

In the world we were enslaved.
In Christ, we are adopted, redeemed, justified and now being sanctified.
We are set free to stand firm.

About the author

Katie Larson

Katie is the current Women's Discipleship Director at River City Downtown. She and her husband Brock Larson lead and host a Missional Community in their home.

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