Week 1: Intro + History

Week 1: Intro + Historyfeatured

Welcome to the first week of this summer study through the book of Jonah.
This will be an 8 week series studying through the book of Jonah.

This week.

Start everyday with prayer. Prayer topics could include: dedication to this study, desires for God’s word.
Everyday before coming to Jonah read through the names of the books of the Old Testament (Genesis, Exodus…Zechariah, Malachi) to familiarize yourself with where the book of Jonah is physically in the Bible.

Option 1:
Download the ESV Bible App or the Bible App.
Use the app to listen through the book of Jonah this week.
Repeat this option as many times as you are able.
Begin to notice a general feel for the book and what is said about the context and setting.
Take notes.

Option 2:
Use the Jonah text to read through the book of Jonah this week.
Repeat this option as many times as you are able.
Begin to notice a general feel for the book and what is said about the context and setting.
Take notes.

Option 3:
Use days 1 and 2 of this week to complete a combination of Option 1 + Option 2.
On day 3 repeat the first step and also begin to fill in parts of the Intro + History worksheet you are picking up from the text.
Read through the Introduction to Jonah from the ESV Study Bible.
Continue Options 1 + Option 2 as you complete the Intro + History worksheet.

About the author

Katie Larson

Katie is the current Women's Discipleship Director at River City Downtown. She and her husband Brock Larson lead and host a Missional Community in their home.

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